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Leadership • Vision • Trust

Fight Back Against Corruption

Wayland believes that the Sheriff is accountable to the people they serve. Under his leadership community policing, transparency in the office, officer training, and partnering with the public will be the focus of the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office. Wayland also knows that we must hold individual citizens accountable to keep the public safe, but do so with compassion. He believes that everyone has value and can flourish given the right opportunities and circumstances. 


Keep Our Community Safe â€‹

Wayland knows that the Sheriff's number one job is to keep our community safe from harm.  He remains committed to keeping Oklahoma County safe- as he has done for over 26 years.  If elected, Wayland will work closely with his deputies to ensure the streets and neighborhoods are patrolled safely and keep all of our communities safe from harm. 


Invest in Education 

Wayland has vast experience in our education system.  Serving as the Director of Security for the largest school district in the County, Wayland has seen the benefits education has in the lives of our children and Oklahomans. Education doesn't stop at school. If elected, Wayland wants to focus on providing more educational incentives and opportunities to our officers. â€‹


Prioritize Mental Health

Law enforcement intersects with almost every social issue that impacts our community. Under Wayland’s leadership there will be a focus on mental health and providing county residents the help they need in a crisis. Law enforcement officers often act as first responders and Wayland will ensure that they receive the proper training and resources to assist those who need it the most.


Promote Criminal Justice Reform

Wayland does not believe that locking up every person and throwing away the key is the right approach to law enforcement. He will be a responsible voice for collaborative efforts on criminal justice reform. Wayland knows that complex issues require bold solutions and he will partner with the community to find innovative solutions that help individuals, reduce our jail population for non-violent offenders, and focus on helping people with compassion.


Improve the Safety of County Jail â€‹

The Oklahoma County Jail has been an issue for the community for long enough. It is time for the Oklahoma County Sheriff to step up in his role on the OK County Jail Trust and provide leadership. Wayland believes the Sheriff should be collaborative and work with the dedicated business and community leaders who have put countless hours into improving our criminal justice system. â€‹

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